
Crystal Rivet color chart


Explore our extensive range of colors with ease using our handy color chart. The durable acrylic chart measures 4.75 inches by 4.5 inches and has additional spaces for future color additions. With removable rivets, you can experiment with different jewelry pieces. The chart comes pre-filled with 85 rivets.

Availability: 17 in stock

SKU: CT122 Categories: ,
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Explore our extensive range of colors with ease using our handy color chart. The durable acrylic chart measures 4.75 inches by 4.5 inches and has additional spaces for future color additions. With removable rivets, you can experiment with different jewelry pieces. The chart comes pre-filled with 85 rivets.

Weight 14 oz


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Crystal Rivet color chart

Availability: 17 in stock

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